
About - Barnes & Thornburg, LLP

Matthew B. Gruenberg, Partner
Robert T. Grand, Managing Partner
Nick Manty, Marketing Manager
11 South Meridian Street | Indianapolis, Indiana, 46204

The attorneys at Barnes &

Thornburg serve clients from more than 50 dedicated practice and industry areas. Our main areas of focus include litigation, intellectual property, labor and employment, white collar crime, corporate law, governmental services and finance, energy, telecommunications, transportation and utilities, environmental, real estate, health care, creditors rights and construction law.

We help you achieve solutions that span national borders. We represent many of the worlds largest companies in U.S. legal matters and assist a broad array of U.S. companies operating abroad to achieve their international business objectives.

As a member of TerraLex, we are part of a selective, international network of more than 155 independent law firms located in nearly 100 countries.


Barnes & Thornburg, LLP Reviews

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Tommy Dunaway
Tommy Dunaway

  • 1 contributions

  • 0 helpful votes

Overall Feedback:

I would never trust the attorneys ever again. They will let you down. I had them draw up papers to protect my girlfriend ( one of their employees) and they totally dropped the ball.

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Barnes & Thornburg, LLP
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