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Directed Equity, Inc.
19673 Solar Cir Ste 201 | Parker- Colorado- 80134-7314 | 877-839-8064
Revenue: $1 million - $5 million | Year Founded: 2004 | Firm Size: 10 - 50
Core Services: Franchise Brokers
Directed Equity can provide you with extremely fast and friendly turnaround on all of your transactions, coupled with highly competitive rates and truly personal ... View Profile
McKeeCo Services, LLC
343 Ashford Court | Lake Mary- Florida- -32746 | 407-333-3533
Revenue: $250,000 - $1 million | Year Founded: 2012 | Firm Size: 1
Core Services: Franchise Consultants
As McKeeCo Services' CEO and managing partner, Lynette McKee, CFE, serves as a strategic franchise and development advisor to various restaurant and hospitality brands. McKeeCo's clients benefit from Lynette's more than three decades of experience serving companies in executive roles including Dunkin' Brands, Burger King, Denny's, and the Metromedia Restaurant Group (Bennigan's). View Profile
Newmark Grubb Knight Frank
United States | (312) 698-6700
Revenue: $3 million - $5 million | Year Founded: - | Firm Size: 254
Core Services: Franchise Brokers
Newmark Grubb Knight Frank (NGKF) is one of the world's leading commercial real estate advisory firms. We provide a fully integrated platform of services to prominent multinational corporations and institutional investors across the globe, as well as to occupiers, owners and developers of real estate on a local, regional and national level. Together with London-based partner Knight Frank and in... View Profile
Liquid Capital
5734 Yonge Street Suite 400 | Toronto- Ontario- M2M 4E7 | 844-228-0800
Revenue: $5 million - $10 million | Year Founded: 1999 | Firm Size: 10 - 50
Core Services: Business Service Franchises , Franchise Financial Services , Business Consulting Franchises
At Liquid Capital, we understand what it takes for small and medium-sized businesses to succeed – because we're small business people ourselves. Our company is built on a network of locally owned and operated Principal Offices, so whenever you're talking to Liquid Capital you're talking directly to your funding source, and a fellow small business person. Our business model is designed to handle... View Profile
Global Franchise Network
United States | (954) 684-3454
Revenue: Unknown | Year Founded: - | Firm Size: 74
Core Services: Franchise Brokers
Having established itself as one of the top franchise consulting networks in the world, Global Franchise Network has successfully helped over 200 companies expand their businesses internationally. Global Franchise Network has a strategic distribution of representatives throughout large and emerging markets around the world such as China, India, Australia, Mexico, Colombia, Russia, Great Britain... View Profile
United States | 49-228-5349439
Revenue: $250,000 - $1 million | Year Founded: - | Firm Size: 76
Core Services: Franchise Brokers
Master Franchise Germany was established by veteran journalist and senior communications professional Franz-Josef Ebel to help franchisors from other countries expand their business operations to Germany and Europe. Franz-Josef gained a certificate as Franchise-Manager (IHK), successfully completing a course and examinations of the German Franchise Association (DFV) and the Chamber of Industrie... View Profile
United States | (416) 644-1040
Revenue: Unknown | Year Founded: - | Firm Size: -
Core Services: Business Service Franchises
MatchPoint is the world's largest dedicated franchise consultancy with over 60 experienced consultants in the UK, North America and the Middle East. Being members of the International Franchise Association (IFA) we are experts in franchising and have been successfully matching individuals to business opportunities since 2006. View Profile
Le Sante International
United States | (305) 387-5840
Revenue: $1 million - $3 million | Year Founded: - | Firm Size: 43
Core Services: Franchise Brokers
A global services consulting firm, Le Sante International prides itself with years of experience in diverse areas of international business and franchise expansion. We bring to our clients a solid level of expertise in international business negotiation, sales and development. Our success in developing and nurturing personal relationships around the world makes us the leaders for business expan... View Profile
215 W Ohio Street Suite 1W | Chicago- Illinois- 60654 | 312-242-1843
Revenue: Est. $1 million | Year Founded: 2003 | Firm Size: 1 - 10
Core Services: Franchise Brokers
CrowdFranchise is rethinking franchise funding. What if it were easier to fund your own independent business? What if it were easier for more people to participate in businesses with proven success rates? We’ve answered these questions using today’s technology to enhance yesterday’s franchising structure. CrowdFranchise, a 506(c) crowdfunding platform, helps relieve the financial burden of o... View Profile
United States | (800) 466-0105
Revenue: Unknown | Year Founded: - | Firm Size: -
Core Services: Franchise Brokers