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Digital Marketing Agency, LLC
111 East Wacker Drive | Albuquerque- New Mexico- 87109 | 1 (800) 569-2754
Revenue: $5 million - $10 million | Year Founded: 2002 | Firm Size: 50 - 100
Core Services: Franchise Marketing Agencies
DMA knows business and what it takes to reach higher levels of success. As a full-service marketing agency, DMA creates efficiencies for your organization by taking your entire project from start to finish for faster results and reduced costs. As your goals are met you’ll have greater resources to promote further growth toward even higher profits. View Profile
Arcane Marketing, LLC
675 East Anderson Street | Idaho Falls- Idaho- 83401 | 1 (208) 938-5988
Revenue: $1 million - $5 million | Year Founded: 2015 | Firm Size: 10 - 50
Core Services:
Arcane Marketing is a top professional digital marketing agency with extensive experience and skill sets in: - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Social Media Marketing (SMM) - Pay-Per-Click Management (PPC) for: - Google - Bing - Yahoo - YouTube - Social Media Ads Management: - Facebook - Instagram - LinkedIn (and other social media networks) - Web... View Profile
Bluefin Payment Systems, LLC
8200 Roberts Drive- Suite 400 | Atlanta- Georgia- 30350 | 1 (800) 675-6573
Revenue: $10 million - $50 million | Year Founded: 2001 | Firm Size: 100 - 250
Core Services: Franchise Merchant Services
Bluefin Payment Systems is the leading provider of secure payment technology for enterprises, financial institutions and small-medium sized businesses worldwide. Bluefin’s innovative and proprietary PayConex platform includes PCI-validated Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE), QuickSwipe mobile POS, Ecommerce, tokenization, international payments and more. First and foremost in the design of our pr... View Profile
Harte Hanks, Inc
2800 Wells Branch Parkway | Austin- Texas- 78728 | 1 (818) 481-5277
Revenue: $500 million - $1 billion | Year Founded: 1995 | Firm Size: 5,000 - 10,000
Core Services: Franchise Direct Mail
We are a team of passionate marketing professionals, working to connect your brand with your customers to move them from awareness, to action, to brand loyalty. We develop integrated, multichannel marketing solutions that deliver millions of customer interactions every day through traditional, digital, social and emerging marketing solutions. View Profile
Franchise Brands
300 Bic Dr. | United States- 06461
Revenue: Unknown | Year Founded: - | Firm Size: -
Core Services: Fast Food Franchises
215 W Ohio Street Suite 1W | Chicago- Illinois- 60654 | 312-242-1843
Revenue: Est. $1 million | Year Founded: 2003 | Firm Size: 1 - 10
Core Services: Franchise Brokers
CrowdFranchise is rethinking franchise funding. What if it were easier to fund your own independent business? What if it were easier for more people to participate in businesses with proven success rates? We’ve answered these questions using today’s technology to enhance yesterday’s franchising structure. CrowdFranchise, a 506(c) crowdfunding platform, helps relieve the financial burden of o... View Profile
Netmark, LLC
784 Clearwater Loop- Suite 5121 | Post Falls- Idaho- 83854 | 1 (208) 522-1016
Revenue: $10 million - $50 million | Year Founded: 2007 | Firm Size: 100 - 250
Core Services: Franchise Marketing Agencies
NICE Systems, Ltd
22 Zarhin Street | Ra'anana- Center District- 43107 | 972 9 775 3151
Revenue: $250 million - $500 million | Year Founded: 1989 | Firm Size: 5,000 - 10,000
Core Services:
We’re not just passionate about helping companies increase customer retention. We’re fanatical about helping companies drive customer experience success through sound business practices with financial and economic linkage. With Satmetrix you get the combined power of software, data and expertise to help you deliver successful results. View Profile
Fishman PR
United States | (847) 945-1300
Revenue: $5 million - $10 million | Year Founded: - | Firm Size: 200
Core Services: Franchise PR Agencies
Fishman PR has a long history of generating positive media coverage and building awareness for franchise brands of all shapes and sizes. Because franchise systems operate differently than other companies, with unique legal and internal structures, franchisors require specialists like Fishman PR to handle their PR, content marketing and creative brand awareness campaigns correctly. Our agency’s uni... View Profile
Barnes & Thornburg, LLP
11 South Meridian Street | Indianapolis- Indiana- 46204 | 1 (317) 236-1313
Revenue: $100 million - $250 million | Year Founded: 1986 | Firm Size: 1,000 - 2,500
Core Services: Franchise Attorneys
The attorneys at Barnes & Thornburg serve clients from more than 50 dedicated practice and industry areas. Our main areas of focus include litigation, intellectual property, labor and employment, white collar crime, corporate law, governmental services and finance, energy, telecommunications, transportation and utilities, environmental, real estate, health care, creditors’ rights and construct... View Profile
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