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All American Pet Resorts, LLC
20286 Cornillie Drive | Roseville- Michigan- 48066 | 941-661-1175
Revenue: $1 million - $5 million | Year Founded: 2006 | Firm Size: 10 - 50
Core Services: Pet Franchises
At AAPR, passion drives everything we do; delivering an exemplary product both to the consumer and the franchisee; continued product innovation enabling market leadership; continued process improvement and selection of the people that deliver our brand promise whether staff at a resort or a new franchisee. View Profile
NPM Franchise
10220 SW Greenburg Road- Suite 100 | Portland- Oregon- 97223 | 800-314-9765
Revenue: $1 million - $5 million | Year Founded: 2005 | Firm Size: 10 - 50
Core Services: Pet Franchises
Unlike many franchise systems, NPM Franchising believes the culture between a frichisor-franchisee should mirror a family. 2/3 of our board members are from the founding two families and the other 1/3 are close friends of the families. With a tradition of over 35 years of operating and owning pet retail and pet grooming businesses, our board holds the same values today it did in 1977 when the fi... View Profile
Pet Supplies Plus
17197 N. Laurel Park Dr.- # 402 | Livonia- Michigan- 48152 | 866 477-7748
Revenue: $250 million - $500 million | Year Founded: 1988 | Firm Size: 2,500 - 5,000
Core Services: Pet Franchises , Retail Franchises , Overall Franchises
OWN A REWARDING BUSINESS THAT IS SIMPLE TO OWN AND FUN TO OPERATE $60 Billion Industry and Growing: Pet industry spending is at an all-time high with overall spending for 2015 expected to exceed $60 billion. The American Pet Products Association reports that 65% of U.S. households own a pet, which equates to 79.7 million homes. The pet supply industry has proven resilient expanding 6.5% year-ove... View Profile
Camp Bow Wow/Home Buddies
4103 S Mason St Lees Summit | Fort Collins- Colorado- 80525 | 970-266-9247
Revenue: $1 million - $5 million | Year Founded: 2000 | Firm Size: 10 - 50
Core Services: Pet Franchises
Entrepreneurs at heart, Heidi and her first husband, Bion, were always thinking up crazy, new ideas. Heidi and Bion looked for high quality pet care for their two dogs and failed to find what they were looking for so in 1994 they wrote a business plan for a doggy day care, gave it a camp theme and made it fun and upscale. Six months later, Bion died in a tragic plane crash. Heidi received a set... View Profile
Wild Birds Unlimited
11711 N. College Ave.- # 146 | Carmel- California- 46032-5634 | 888-730-7108
Revenue: Unknown | Year Founded: 1981 | Firm Size: -
Core Services: Pet Franchises , Retail Franchises
It’s a People (and Bird) Business Our franchisees say that interacting with customers is one of the most rewarding aspects of owning a Wild Birds Unlimited store. You make a difference in your customers’ lives by helping connect them with birds and nature. Customers tell us that they come back time and again because they value the relationship as much as the expert hobby knowledge and top-qu... View Profile
A Touch of Love
100 Steamship Bay Rd. | United States | (705) 687-4444
Revenue: Unknown | Year Founded: 1986 | Firm Size: -
Core Services: Pet Franchises
A Touch of Love Inc.
2072 Queen Street East | Canada- 411 | 1-7056874444
Revenue: Unknown | Year Founded: 2004 | Firm Size: -
Core Services: Pet Franchises
Abrakadoodle, Inc.
46030 Manekin Plaza Suite 110 | Sterling- Virginia- 20166 | 703-860-6570
Revenue: $1 million - $5 million | Year Founded: 2002 | Firm Size: 10 - 50
Core Services: Automotive Franchises , Education Franchises , Photography Franchises , Children's Franchises
Abrakadoodle is all about creativity for kids, which since it was founded in 2002, has delivered the very best in visual arts classes for kids, summer art camps, holiday art camps, art parties and art events to more than one-million children in schools, community sites and Abrakadoodle art studios for kids around the world! View Profile
American Pet Resorts
4227 Delemere Boulevard | Royal Oak- Michigan- 48073 | 248-554-0100
Revenue: Est. $1 million | Year Founded: 2009 | Firm Size: 1 - 10
Core Services: Automotive Franchises , Pet Franchises
Athena Learning Centers
103 Carnegie Center- Suite 300 | Princeton- New Jersey- 8540 | (855) 422-6532
Revenue: $1 million - $5 million | Year Founded: 2011 | Firm Size: 10 - 50
Core Services: Education Franchises , Children's Franchises , Pet Franchises , Ice Cream, Yogurt & Smoothie Franchises