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Certified Restoration DryCleaning Network
2060 Coolidge Hwy. | Berkley- Michigan- 48072 | 248-246-7878
Revenue: Unknown | Year Founded: 2001 | Firm Size: -
Core Services: Services General Franchises , Laundry & Dry Cleaning Franchises
They say necessity is the mother of invention. In 2001, CRDN became the father of innovation. CRDN created a model of service that previously didn’t exist in any formal way, to service the large and fast-growing category of insurance claims in household disasters: contents. Realizing that household contents are much more than a collection of “things,” technology was innovated, processes wer... View Profile
Lapels Dry Cleaning
962 Washington St. | United States- 02339 | 781-829-9935
Revenue: $5 million - $10 million | Year Founded: 1999 | Firm Size: 252
Core Services: Janitorial Franchises , Services General Franchises , Laundry & Dry Cleaning Franchises
Combine our boutique retail store with your own full service plant to bring the future of dry cleaning to your community. You will offer a full line of services including Dry Cleaning, Shirt Laundry, Wedding Gown Heirlooming, Leather and Suede Cleaning and much more. You will also have several additional revenue streams which include Lapels Express Pickup & Delivery where you will be able to s... View Profile
PO Box 540 | Lewis Center- Ohio- 43035 | 614-214-3570
Revenue: Est. $1 million | Year Founded: 1996 | Firm Size: 1 - 10
Core Services: Services General Franchises , Laundry & Dry Cleaning Franchises
TexCare is a global franchise organization of dry cleaning restoration experts serving Homeowners and Commercial Insurance Industries, Restoration Contractors and Property Owners. Our knowledgeable restoration technicians specialize in insurance restoration laundry and dry cleaning services for all types of loss. View Profile
2060 Coolidge Hwy. | Berkley- Michigan- 48072 | 248-654-7019
Revenue: Unknown | Year Founded: 2000 | Firm Size: -
Core Services: Services General Franchises , Laundry & Dry Cleaning Franchises
Bringing a bizziebox lockers to your property adds service and convenience for your tenants and employees, so they can get back to their bizzie lives. The bizziebox system is self-managing, secure, requires no electricity and installs easily. It’s like offering a private dry cleaning and laundry service for your tenants. And bizziebox lockers fit into any open space available in buildings where... View Profile
Dryclean Depot
2527 Telegraph Rd. | Bloomfield Hills- Michigan- 48302 | 619-571-8031
Revenue: Unknown | Year Founded: 1979 | Firm Size: -
Core Services: Services General Franchises , Laundry & Dry Cleaning Franchises
Dryclean Depot is a one price concept developed in California in 1979 and has spread through the country like wildfire. Dryclean Depot’s philosophy of price, quality and service enhances profitability to store owners and satifaction to customers. Dryclean Depot is a high volume, high technology approach that is rare in the dry cleaning industry. Dryclean Depot builds large, modern, environmentally... View Profile
OneClick Cleaners
1585 McDonald Ave. | Brooklyn- Ohio- 11230 | 855-461-2542
Revenue: Unknown | Year Founded: 2009 | Firm Size: -
Core Services: Retail Franchises , Laundry & Dry Cleaning Franchises
Our professional team at OneClick Cleaners takes the time to clean and finish all your garments so they are ready to wear. We pay special attention to detail by making sure your clothes are returned fresh and clean smelling. View Profile
Tide Dry Cleaners
2 Procter & Gamble Plaza- TE - 16th Fl. | Cincinnati- Ohio- 45202 | 1-888-446-2734
Revenue: - | Year Founded: - | Firm Size: -
Core Services: Services General Franchises , Janitorial Franchises , Laundry & Dry Cleaning Franchises
Tide has been a leader in innovation since it’s creation more than seventy years ago. We revolutionized at-home laundry care with the launch of Tide laundry detergent and then continued the revolution for over seven decades with the introduction of innovative new technologies. Tide Dry Cleaners has revolutionized the dry cleaning industry with franchise opportunities still available nationwide,... View Profile
3201-B Investment Blvd. | Hayward- California- 94545 | 510-723-1008
Revenue: Unknown | Year Founded: 2006 | Firm Size: -
Core Services: Home Maintenance Service Franchises , Services General Franchises , Laundry & Dry Cleaning Franchises
Founded in 2006, FRSTeam was built upon the success of Custom Commercial Fabric Restoration Services, one of the largest independently-owned restoration cleaners in the country. Custom Commercial continues to operate as affiliate offices of FRSTeam in eight western states. View Profile
CD One Price Cleaners
Suite 502 | Westchester- Illinois- 60154 | 888-253-2613
Revenue: $50 million - $100 million | Year Founded: 2001 | Firm Size: 500 - 1,000
Core Services: Services General Franchises , Janitorial Franchises , Laundry & Dry Cleaning Franchises
Our story is about the pursuit of a better way. It began in 1984 with our founders’ first jobs in the dry cleaning industry in Houston, Texas, and continued when we moved to the Chicago area in 2001 to start an all-new business. Since that time, we’ve worked in virtually every aspect of dry cleaning, from site selection and store design to dry clean operations, equipment refurbishment and distribu... View Profile
Oxxo Care Cleaners
1874 North Young Circle | Hollywood- Florida- 33020 | 866-462-6996
Revenue: $10 million - $50 million | Year Founded: 2001 | Firm Size: 100 - 250
Core Services: Services General Franchises , Retail Franchises , Green & Eco Friendly Franchises
At OXXO Care Cleaners®, we are committed to customer satisfaction. Our leadership team of professionals technical specialists, marketing and field consultants are always standing by- ready to assist with the questions and concerns that are most relevant to you. View Profile