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Our Selection Process For
Best International Food Franchises
Best International Food Franchises
Our Selection Process For
Best International Food Franchises
Best International Food Franchises
Top 5 International Food Franchises
Key Facts For Pollo Tropical
- Franchising Since:
- 1988
- Franchise Units:
- 39
- Cash Investment:
- $125K
- Total Investments:
- $1,500 - 5,000K
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- 7%
- Financing Available:
- 1
- Website:
Key Facts For Pollo Campero
- Franchising Since:
- 1971
- Franchise Units:
- 52
- Cash Investment:
- $40K
- Total Investments:
- $826,801 - 1,903,150
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- 7%
- Financing Available:
- 1
- Website:
Key Facts For Pinkberry, Inc.
- Franchising Since:
- 2005
- Franchise Units:
- 215
- Cash Investment:
- $45K
- Total Investments:
- $311.3 - 615.8K
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- 6%
- Financing Available:
- 1
- Website:
Key Facts For Golden Crust Caribbean Ba...
- Franchising Since:
- 1989
- Franchise Units:
- 117
- Cash Investment:
- $15-25K
- Total Investments:
- $173 - 564K
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- 3%
- Financing Available:
- 1
- Website:
Key Facts For Teriyaki Experience
- Franchising Since:
- 1986
- Franchise Units:
- 135
- Cash Investment:
- $15K
- Total Investments:
- $230 - 330K
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- 12%
- Financing Available:
- 1
- Website:
Evaluation Critieria: Best International Food Franchise Opportunities

Growth Prospect
We investigate international food franchises based on their historical growth and expansion in order to determine which franchises have historically shown their ability to build strong and growing businesses. Entrepreneurs look for franchises which will provide them with a solid long-term investment based on a positive track record.

Marketing Support
We believe it is important for franchisors to take a long-term interest in the development and growth of their franchised businesses through marketing and advertising endeavors. We investigate the marketing put in place to educate relevant audiences of the existence and locations of their franchised businesses.

We approach our analysis of training programs and resources offered by the franchises by comparing them to the methods used by leading franchises offering similar products and services. It is important for international food franchises to be provided with the resources required to properly train and educate employees.

Ongoing Support
It is important for a leading international food franchise to offer their franchisees with access to continued support and communication through an effective communications infrastructure and dedicated professionals behind the scenes. Many offer their franchises new products to attract new customers.

The concept of value is approached by a systemic analysis of various soft factors which ultimately impact the long-term growth and viability of a franchise to expand into new potentially highly competitive markets. It is important for food franchises to develop a brand and a positive reputation in their relevant industry.