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Our Selection Process For
Best Spa Franchises
Best Spa Franchises
Our Selection Process For
Best Spa Franchises
Best Spa Franchises
Top 5 Spa Franchises
Key Facts For Massage Heights
- Franchising Since:
- 2004
- Franchise Units:
- 109
- Cash Investment:
- $175,000
- Total Investments:
- $257,950 - $606,200
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- 5%
- Financing Available:
- 1
- Website:
Key Facts For Planet Beach Contempo Spa...
- Franchising Since:
- 1995
- Franchise Units:
- 200
- Cash Investment:
- $60,000
- Total Investments:
- $177,162 - $351,096
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- 6%
- Financing Available:
- Website:
Key Facts For Hand & Stone Massage and...
- Franchising Since:
- 2004
- Franchise Units:
- 104
- Cash Investment:
- $39K
- Total Investments:
- $300 - 400K
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- 6%
- Financing Available:
- 1
- Website:
Key Facts For Massage Envy Franchising,...
- Franchising Since:
- 2003
- Franchise Units:
- Cash Investment:
- $150,000; Net Worth of $500,000+
- Total Investments:
- $434,823-$1,030,500
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- 6%
- Financing Available:
- 1
- Website:
Key Facts For
- Franchising Since:
- 2008
- Franchise Units:
- 211
- Cash Investment:
- $1686
- Total Investments:
- $110K - $195K
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- 6%
- Financing Available:
- 1
- Website:
Evaluation Critieria: Best Spa Franchise Opportunities

Growth Prospect
Any entrepreneur looking to open a franchised business is looking for a franchise which has carefully established businesses which focus on long-term growth and expansion. As we evaluate a variety of spa franchises we place a focus on the financial performance of each location over time to determine whether the profitability of the spa increases or decreases over time.

Marketing Support
In addition to other critical aspects our analysis delves into the marketing practices and strategies leveraged by a number of franchisors offering entrepreneurs the opportunity to start their own spa business. It is important for entrepreneurs to feel comfortable that their franchisor is interested in their long-term growth and invested in the future of the business by implementing marketing initiatives.

Those starting a spa business are often well aware of the professionalism required from those which are involved in providing the services being offered. It is important for the franchise to have established protocols for training and educating their workforce in the best practices and methods for providing a comfortable spa experience for their customers.

Ongoing Support
One of the major concerns we have encountered during our discussions with franchisees and entrepreneurs lies in the amount of support and communications they will have with their selected franchise over the course of business. It is important to know that the franchisor is there to assist them in improving their business in order to benefit all of the franchised businesses.

We define our approach to determining the objective value of a franchise as the long-term financial stability of the franchise and the establishment of a recognized brand associated with the franchise. It is important for entrepreneurs to be comfortable with the branding initiatives and the overall reputation which the spa franchise has achieved within the industry.