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Our Selection Process For
Best Oil Change Franchises
Best Oil Change Franchises
Our Selection Process For
Best Oil Change Franchises
Best Oil Change Franchises
Top 5 Oil Change Franchises
Key Facts For Grease Monkey Franchising...
- Franchising Since:
- 1978
- Franchise Units:
- 490+
- Cash Investment:
- $150,000
- Total Investments:
- $187,316-$688,452
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- 6%
- Financing Available:
- 1
- Website:
Key Facts For Jiffy Lube
- Franchising Since:
- 1979
- Franchise Units:
- 769
- Cash Investment:
- $27-95K
- Total Investments:
- $330.5 - 519.5K
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- 5.5%
- Financing Available:
- 1
- Website:
Key Facts For SpeeDee Worldwide, LLC
- Franchising Since:
- 1986
- Franchise Units:
- 250+
- Cash Investment:
- $75,000-$150,000
- Total Investments:
- $224,663-$733,028
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- 6%
- Financing Available:
- 1
- Website:
Key Facts For ATL International
- Franchising Since:
- 1985
- Franchise Units:
- 358
- Cash Investment:
- $125K
- Total Investments:
- $150K
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- 7%
- Financing Available:
- 1
- Website:
Key Facts For
- Franchising Since:
- 1962
- Franchise Units:
- 361
- Cash Investment:
- $35K
- Total Investments:
- $247.5 - 958.3K
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- 10%
- Financing Available:
- 1
- Website:
Evaluation Critieria: Best Oil Change Franchise Opportunities

Growth Prospect
It is important for aspiring entrepreneurs to feel confident in their selected franchise’s ability to grow over time based on a historical financial and growth analysis. We spend time analyzing how a number of their franchised businesses grow over time and the overall profitability of a business on average compared to the average requirements from both the franchisor and the entrepreneur.

Marketing Support
With there being a large number of competing oil change franchises and other automotive repair services it is important to ensure that marketing and advertising campaigns are implemented to attract customers. We investigate how targeted different marketing initiatives are to attract those customers which are most likely to be repeat customers over time and to help retain those which may be on the fence.

It is vitally important to have auto mechanics involved which understand the most effective way to change the oil in a large variety of vehicles. Different manufacturers may have different requirements for how to change the oil and different types of oils and implementations may require different knowledge and training. It is important for the franchises to be involved in the training processes.

Ongoing Support
Another critical element of our analysis of the best oil change franchises involves an in-depth look at how much assistance the franchisor offers to their franchisees to help them grow and expand over time. It is important for the franchisee to feel like they are truly benefiting from the background and experience of the franchise through ongoing support and assistance in improving the quality of the service.

Many car and vehicle owners are going to be more likely to visit an oil change business that has a positive reputation within the industry. It is important for the franchise to maintain a positive image within their industry across each of the franchised businesses. In addition, it is important for entrepreneurs to know the franchises are investing in long-term growth themselves.