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More Categories
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Our Selection Process For
Best Internet & Technology Franchises
Best Internet & Technology Franchises
Our Selection Process For
Best Internet & Technology Franchises
Best Internet & Technology Franchises
Top 5 Internet & Technology Franchises
Key Facts For Nerds of North Texas
- Franchising Since:
- 2008
- Franchise Units:
- 46
- Cash Investment:
- Total Investments:
- $13.4 - 39.4K
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- Financing Available:
- Website:
Key Facts For RESCUECOM Corporation
- Franchising Since:
- 1999
- Franchise Units:
- Cash Investment:
- Total Investments:
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- Financing Available:
- Website:
Key Facts For Computer Renaissance
- Franchising Since:
- 2009
- Franchise Units:
- Cash Investment:
- Total Investments:
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- Financing Available:
- Website:
Key Facts For uBreakiFix Franchising Co...
- Franchising Since:
- 2013
- Franchise Units:
- 141
- Cash Investment:
- $100,000-$125,000
- Total Investments:
- $34,700 - $165,600
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- 8%
- Financing Available:
- Website:
Key Facts For
- Franchising Since:
- 1993
- Franchise Units:
- 3
- Cash Investment:
- Total Investments:
- $400 - 700K
- Royalty Fee Rate:
- Financing Available:
- Website:
Evaluation Criteria: Best Internet & Technology Franchises

Growth Prospect
During our analysis of internet and technology franchises we spend ample time researching a franchise’s historical financial performance in order to gauge their overall prospect for growth. A lot of the analysis focuses on how a franchise has performed in the past in regards to the franchise as a whole and the average performance of the individual franchised businesses based on how they have grown over the years.

Marketing Support
Starting a franchised business can often present a number of challenges. As we evaluate various technology franchises time is spent determining the overall ability for the franchisor to assist their businesses in reaching their target audience through marketing endeavors. It is especially important for the marketing endeavors to target the channels and audiences which are most likely to convert into paying customers.

Many internet and technology franchises require specialized knowledge and training to be able to effectively offer products and services. It is important for the franchisor to assist their franchised businesses in finding individuals capable of offering the products and services which have a background in technology. We investigate the quality of training resources and information being provided to franchisees.

Ongoing Support
We often measure the performance of a franchise by the continued guidance and support being offered to their franchisees in an ongoing basis. Many entrepreneurs are looking for franchises which continue to assist their franchisees in ensuring internal processes and procedures are being followed, to ensure any questions the franchisees may have are being addressed, and to improve product and service offerings.

The value component of our analysis involves a look at the brand’s history and reputation to an audience most likely to use the products and services being offered. For highly specialized services, it is important to have a positive relationship with clients based on professionalism and experience. We investigate the overall value brought by the franchise in terms of their branding initiatives and their reputation.